Monday 8 March 2010

Front cover style

After picking the colour scheme for the magazine (purple, red, black and white) it was then time to pick a "look for it". I had looked at many other magazines, particularly music ones, and they all seemed to follow a very similar set of traits, for example Q magazine and kerrang are very similar;

Both have the main heading at the top of the page, they then have a very over powering, dominating image and then just a few sub headings of what is contained. This is like all magazines and the way the industry runs, therefore it is vital i stick to this theme however i don't need to make "mainstream" covers like these two. They are too similar for example they both have blocks at the top and bottom of the page with information, this isn't necessary and makes them too alike. The very capturing main headings positioned slap bang in the middle of the page is very eye catching and something i will consider when making my cover.

In terms of font they both use very similar types, looking through there are several i have found that would be suitable for my magazine;
-action of the time AL
-Sex Pistols
- Fabianestem

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