Friday 16 April 2010

The final PDF'd Magazine for easy viewing

To see the magazine, click the button with the 4 arrows going in different directions. To view the double page spread as it would be click the little button that looks like lots of little boxes.



  1. Your magazine is depressingly good. I'll try and find some bad things to say about it though.
    You used photoshopn really well - in particular on the double page spread, where everything is black and white apart from his shirt. This works really well. Your use of colour is consistent throughout - the blue, white and red theme is very strong and i like the fact that you used a lot of different fonts and sizes on the front cover without making it look like an overload of fonts.
    Your main interview was great, and selecting quotes and sizing them up not only made them stand out, but also made the page look like a real magazine. There were spelling and grammar mistakes though.
    I think my favourite aspect of the magazine was that you broke the contents down into the different genres of music - this is an original idea and worked very well.
    One thing i maybe would have done differently is the masthead which i think could be bigger.
    Awesome magazine. You deserve a really good grade.

  2. I spelt photoshop wrong - never mind

  3. Your magazine front cover is very eye catching and looks like a real cover! I like the choice of colours and the running theme of them throughout the magazine pages you've created. The photo's look very legit and good quality. The stories and sub mastheads have been thought about and chosen effectively to co-inside with the magazine's audience.
    My favourite part of the magazine was the double spread page and the large image of the model and the font chosen to headline the page. It is very professional and looks like a lot of hard work has been put into the magazine! Well done :)

  4. The use of photoshop for the double page spreads' main image is very good and adds good effect to the page especially as it blends well with the grey background.
    Throught out the magaizne the use of the same cracked text is good as it shows how there is a theme with the magazine and also how it is slightly rough and more aimed at teenagers rather than middle aged people.
    On the contents page the seperation of the different genres of music is a nice idea as it makes it easier for the reader to find the specific band they are looking for but also shows how the magazine incorporates lots of genres of music in the same feature.
    This is a good professional looking magazine that wouldn't look out of place on the shelves with ones that are already available
