Friday 5 February 2010

The mock Up

I changed a lot of the aspects that i had settled on as i found when actually creating the magazine cover things look more aesthetically pleasing that i hadn't originally considered. For instance, i changed the font of the mast head to "varsity" as I found it was a lot more college suitable and seemed to fit with the general theme of the magazine. I decided i would use the logo i had found as a sort of water mark on the front cover- I decided i would try and include it on every page as a sort of trade mark.

I also needed to create a mock up of the contents page; I used the adobe program Indesign as it's perfect for page layouts etc.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Lizzy! I hope you've produced these in Indesign not Photoshop. If not you can always import these into Indesign (file-place)there's an Indesign manual in the M26 cupboard and Mr Cole has a PDF of it.

    You've paid close attention to detail although your text on your contents page to the bottom left hand side may be a little too close to the edge of the page. I worried that once its printed and stapled you eon't be able to read it, why not print out a test version? Hannah
