Monday 1 February 2010

Initial ideas for the school magazine.

Here are the initial ideas for the school magazine:

Some of the names i was thinking for, for the name of the magazine:
Result, Crowd,Scatter, Mail box, Radical,Frank, First Degree, Mutter, Essential, Update, Advance,Radical,Scholar & Definition.

Mast head Ideas(For the name RADICAL):

The final ideas i settled on was:
Main Image:
A shot set in a studio, female model, around the age of 16 or 17. The image should portray a school look but not to blatant, also she must not be wearing any specific logos.
Mast head:
I have decided to call the magazine Radical, It is something slightly different and also the feel of my magazine is going to be something completely different to what is currently on the market and i therefore think appropriate. I will use either a bright or navy blue colour.
I used the font Harabara which I found on

Thinking of ideas I decided i wanted to use a logo as a sort of running theme, I could use it lightly behind the mast head on the front cover and like a stamp on the contents page. I found the image through google and thought i was suitable.

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