Friday 22 January 2010

What makes a good magazine

What the internet has to offer on the subject:
-An image that sparks interest
-A guys mags need scantily clad gals on there, or guns or cars, or tools.
Women need weight loss tips, relationship suggestions, or some other topics that will assure them that help is on the way. They like to be taken care of, and if a magazine can promise that on its cover by well written informative articles, then they are likely to buy.
(Taken from

-Never promise what you can’t deliver
-Never ask a question on the cover
-Cover lines can never be too big
-Cover words need to make sense
(Taken from

What I think:
I would say a magazine needs an eye catching picture, however it should be relevant to the content of the magazine, the cover should have interesting cover-lines and mast head, it also must have an amazing selling line that would draw in customers.

I will be conducting a short poll on my blog to see what others think is the most important part of a "good" magazine. I shall post the results here when i have had sufficient responses.

Poll results:
From the question asked "what makes a good magazine" the answer that came back with the majority of votes((two thirds of all votes) was the cover image. I thought this would be the case as it is the image that catches your eye and makes you further investigate the magazine.

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